Moving on to the collab’s pledge of using more environmental friendly materials, this one simply gets a zero from us. The vast majority of the pieces in the collection are made from plastic (polyester and PVC). Plastic is so damaging for the environment and clothing made from plastic is no exception. These plastic pieces will not stand the test of time and once discarded will sit in landfill for hundreds of years before even starting to decompose. Boohoo have used some recycled fabrics, which is a plus, but for the most part they only make up a small percentage of the whole garment. They could have used organic cotton, or even released some linen pieces but to make a bodysuit cost £5 they have to use cheap plastic. Remember, just because they tell you they’ve used ‘environmentally better fabrics’ that does not mean they have.
Moving on to the ethical side of this Kourtney collab, this line of garments has clearly been produced in the exact same way everything on their site has - not good news! Most of the garments say ‘I am made in China’ underneath them, but that is all the information we get. What conditions? What quality of living do these workers have? Are they paid enough to feed their family? These are important questions that are never addressed by Boohoo. Considering Boohoo managed to exploit garment workers in the UK by paying they nearly 3x less than they should have, it becomes clear to see how exploitation would be far easier on the other side of the world. It’s a sad reality, but the only way boohoo can afford to sell clothing for so cheap is because they pay their workers next to nothing.